​Congratulations to our Class of 2018 for their outstanding VCE results! 5 perfect study scores, 26% of girls with an ATAR of 95 or above and 35% an ATAR of 90 or more.

2nd in Australia! Congratulations to our Lowther Hip Hop Team for placing second at the National Finals of the AASCF on the Gold Coast, over the weekend. Well done, girls!

The countdown is on! There are only days until our biennial Parents and Friends' Association Twilight Festival! Join us for fun, food and fireworks on Friday 23 November, 5pm - 9pm!

2018 marks 100 years since the signing of the Armistice that signalled the end of World War I. To commemorate this milestone Year 12 Humanities Captains, Georgia and Iliana, commissioned a 'Wall of Reflection' at Lowther Hall, a permanent installation of almost 500 poppies.

Term 4 began today with our annual Prep and Year 12 Rose Giving Ceremony! Each year, our Year 12 girls give seeds to the Prep girls, who in turn give a yellow rose - to symbolise the growth of all girls during their time at Lowther Hall.